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Maribeso Kennel
First in the ring, foremost in our hearts!
Due to Covid dogs shows stopped after the March Halifax show but we hope to be back in the ring in 2022.
Mar/2020 Aria was entered at the Halifax shows for her first time in the ring. She took Winner's Bitch 3 of the 4 shows for a nice start to her championshiop.
Sept/2019 Bravo had his first show as a baby puppy. We just had him in one day and he took Best Baby Puppy in breed with a large group of lovely puppies entered.
May/2019 Minx was entered in one of the Moncton Shows and took Winners Bitch.
Feb/2019 Minx was entered in her first show at the Halifax shows and took Best of Winners from the Junior Puppy class for 2pts.
Sept/2018 Anya was entered in the Halifax shows and took Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite each show to finish her championship.
June/2018 We had Anya and Noah in the Papillon Booster show. With a very nice large entry Anya took Winner's Bitch and Noah took Select Dog.
Feb/2018 First show of the year. We had Anya and Noah in one show each. Anya took Winner's Bitch for her first time in ring. Noah took Best of Breed and Group 4th under breeder judge Olga Gagne.
Fall 2017 has been spent with our dogs in various classes! We are enjoying the one on one time in Rally O and Scent classes with Keela, Jive, Mojo and Harlow. They are all such fast learners
July /2017 We attended the Lady Slipper shows in PEI. We showed Breagh who took WB and now just needs 1 pt for her championship
Feb/2017 We were at the Halifax Shows and had a great weekend. Quinlan finished his championship by taking BOW all 3 shows he showed in. Emer is now also a champion. She is Ch.Anuvien Maribeso Fallen Ember co-owned/ co-bred with Rosemary Boyle who handled her to her championship. Serena (Maribeso Queen of the Court) was in her first shows and took WB first shows and RB the next show. She was handled by her co-owner Adina McRae.
Nov/2016 We showed Camille in one show and she took WB for 2pts for her first time in the ring. We showed Tashi the next day in one show for her first time and she also took WB for 2pts. Nice start for these girls
June/ 2016 Rory showed in 2 of the Lunenburg shows taking BOW both shows to finish his championship
APR/ 2016 Noah was in shows out in Manitoba with Nicole and took BOB all 3 shows as well as a Group 4th and Group 1!
Mar. 2016 Quinlan (Castel Maribeso Quinlan) took Reserve Winner's Male
at the Canadian Papillon Nationals with his Co-owner Nicole Eng against some very nice competition from Canada and the US
Feb. 27-29th /2016 Our US visitor Rory started in the rings and did very well. He took Best of Breed all 3 shows he was entered in to be more than half way done his championship. Emer showed in 2 shows with Rosemary and took Winners Bitch and Reserve Winners Bitch for a nice start.
Sept /2015 Treble was shown at the Halifax shows and took Winner's Bitch for 2pts. Treble and Nike were shown 1 show at the Pictou shows and Nike took BOW for 2 pts and Treble took Reserve winners bitch
June /2015 Finlay and Nike were shown in 1 show at the Lunenburg shows and both did well. Finlay took Best Baby Puppy in Group and Nike took BOW in his first show for 2pts.
We took a couple of months off while youngsters were maturing and will now be hitting the rings with them!
Apr. 29th Kate our lovely Whippet whelped 5 healthy chubby pups ( 3girls and 2 boys) Mom and pups are doing great.
Mar.13/2015 First shows of the year! Portia is now Ch.Petitchien's Honey Ryder. She finished her championship by taking BOW and BOS at t
he Friday show. We did not attend the rest of the weekend as Shana fell on the ice outside the show and injured he ankle.
Jan/2015 Noah now has his American Championship finishing off by taking a 5pt. major at a Papillon Specialty in Florida. We also received Mojo's Grand Champion Certificate in the mail. 2015 is starting off with a bang :)
Wishing all our friends and family a Happy New Year and may 2015 bring you all you hope for. We have an exciting year ahead of us at Maribeso!
We have 2 lovely AKC champion males visitng us from the USA. We hope to add these beautiful lines to our breeding program.
Sept 1/2014 Portia took BOW at the Halifax Dog Show. She now needs just 1 pt for her championship
We are relaxing at home for the month of July and enjoying the summer with our gang!
June 21/22 We enjoyed a beautiful weekend on the island of Pei and attended the Abegweit shows. Portia took BOW and WB twice.
June 15th/2014 We attended a day of the Oromocto shows. First show Star took BOB and finished her championship. Second show Portia took WB.
June 8th/2014 Mojo was entered in the Lunenburg show and we are thrilled to say he took RBIS. WTG Mojo!
May 24th/2014 Noah has left on a trip to the US where he will be shown by a friend of ours for a few months in AKC shows. Look forward to hearing of his adventures
May 11th/ 2014 We entered Mojo in one day of the Dartmouth Kennel Club shows and he took BOB both shows and Group 4th under breed Judge Mary White. Mojo was his usual happy self in the ring even after having been out for quite awhile.
Feb.15th 2014 A New Year of shows begins! We showed Star and Tess at the 2 shows in Halifax. First show Portia who was in the ring for the first time took WB/BOB for 2pts and Star took reserve Winner's Bitch. Second show was reversed and Star took WB/BOB for 2more pts and Portia took reserve Winner's Bitch. Good Day!
Oct.12th 2013 Star went to Truro shows and took Winner's Bitch for 2 more pts. She is now over half way down her championship in only 2 weekends.
Sept.28/29th 2013 We attended the Sunny Corner shows. It was an amazing weekend where we came home with 3 new Champions. Tess, Gabby and Noah all finished their Championships. Gabby was undefeated in females to her championship. They will now relax at home and mature before coming out as specials.
Sept. 7/8th We went to the Trenton shows. We had a great weekend with Tess taking Winner's bitch now only need 1 pt to finish. Noah took Best of Breed in the 2 shows he was in and started his show career with 5pts and many great compliments from the judges. Gabby was in 1 show and took Winner's Bitch for 2pts.
Aug. 16-19 2013 We attended the Saint John shows. Tess took Winner's Bitch for 2 more pts. Gabby started her show career and took Best of Breed twice in the 2 shows she was entered in. We also watched the Canadian Junior conformation Nationals and congratulate the winner from our home province Colton O'Shea. Good luck Colton at representing Canada at Crufts for the second year in a row. WTG!
June 8/9th 2013 Tess took Best of Breed in the one show she was entered in. Star took Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Breed in both shows then a Group 4th and Group 3rd.Kate the Whippet took Best of Breed in the 2 shows she was in and a Group 4th.
May 4th 2013 Tess was entered in the Moncton Dog show and took Winner's Bitch for another 2pts and is half way to her Canadian Championship.
Mar.24th We entered Tess into the Sunday Truro show. She took Best of Winners for 3pts towards her Canadian Championship! Next shows not until May :)
Mar.6th : Nyx made a successful move to the United Kingdom to live with Debbie Burns today. He arrived safe and sound. He seems to have settled in nicely. We look forward to hearing many great things from his adventures in Wales.
With the start of a new year (2013) we felt it was time for a new updated website that reflects life here are Maribeso kennel! 2013 is shaping up to be a busy year for us. We have 4 hopeful show girls that will start in the ring. We will also continue to show Mojo and Moxie in the US (AKC) as both are majored pointed there. Nyx will be heading over to the UK to be with Debbie Burns of Petitchien Kennels where his father , Mickey, came from. We ll greatly miss Nyx but know he will be in good hands. We wish them much success together.
There was suppose to be the big Halifax show this weekend (Feb. 9/10) but with a big winter storm coming the 9th has been moved to the 10th and both shows will hopefully go on that day. This is sometime we have never seen happen and hopefully the day will go smoothly.
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